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Third Grade

In third grade, we kicked off the year writing personal narratives. Narrative writing is an essential skill for students to develop as it allows them to express their thoughts, ideas, and creativity through storytelling. In this writing unit, third graders are learning strategies and skills to help them generate ideas, plan their stories, focus on structure, develop believable characters, and create vivid settings. In class, third graders have been immersed in a vibrant Writer's Workshop environment that encourages regular writing practice and revision. They use mentor texts, which serve as sources of inspiration and help them understand the essential elements of compelling narratives. Students engage in peer conferences and receive guidance from teachers to refine their narratives. They also practice editing for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, which will help them produce final and polished versions of their stories. At the end of this unit, students will share their pieces and celebrate each other’s hard work, which will boost their confidence and motivation. It has been a pleasure to see our third graders experience the joy of writing and take pride in their hard work.