Sixth Grade

As the school year comes to an end, we are preparing to say farewell to our sixth-grade class. There are many “lasts” at this point in the school year, including the final time to welcome parents to campus for lunch and the final Spring Concert. We hope you celebrated with the class of 2024 during their finale dance.

This is a class of debaters, athletes, actors, dancers, readers, writers, artists, and mathematicians. They have made us laugh in Shrek Junior and brought tears to our eyes with their songs and ukuleles. They have also brought back debate victories and helped achieve an undefeated football season. They have played basketball in tournaments, swam in competitions, competed in water polo, and performed on the dance floor.

They have studied the ancient world from Mesopotamia to Rome with stops in Africa, Greece, China, and India. They have bonded with Jonas in The Giver and cried with Chaya in The Devil’s Arithmetic. They rooted for Salva in A Long Walk to Water and Judy in Rolling Warriors. They have built future cities, created food trucks, and completed science fair projects. They have written personal narratives and literary essays. They have even experienced the 6th Grade Poetry Jam.

We are looking forward to seeing them before they graduate from high school for our annual reunion. We know that are ready to explore middle school and embrace the values of Crestview:
Community Responsibility Empathy Sincerity and Thinking.