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Parent Engagement

"One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time."

The Crestview Parent Association organizes many activities and services to enrich the experiences of everyone at Crestview.  There are many levels of involvement available for those who graciously donate their time in support of the school.  Participation in the Association’s many Friend & Fund Raising Events and Support Services is a great way to build community and actively contribute to the atmosphere of fun and teamwork that Crestview students and parents enjoy throughout the school year.   

Parent Association Website

Current Crestview community members can go to the Crestview Parent Association website for the latest info, buy tickets to events, buy spiritwear, and more!

Parent Association Events

Our biggest event of the year and a beloved Crestview tradition, our annual Walk-a-Thon brings Crestview students and families, alumni, and prospective families together to both fundraise for our school and instill healthy values of exercise and fitness. Students set goals and walk laps on the track of the neighboring St. Francis School.

Crestview Auction
Our annual Online Auction occurs over Presidents’ Day Weekend. Crestview families and local businesses donate items and services to be auctioned to raise money for Crestview. In addition, Crestview teachers and faculty members contribute priceless experiences for families to bid on.

Book Fair
Our Book Fair committee works with our librarian, Mrs. Bravin, to share a love of reading with our children and bring the community together in benefit of the Crestview library. In partnership with a book vendor, books are made available to purchase in the library.

Back to School Night
Our first event of the year, Back to School Night is an opportunity to learn about and sign up for Parent Association Committees, visit the classrooms, and learn more about your student’s academic year.

Parent Association Programs

Party Book
Our biggest friend-raiser! Party Book offers many great opportunities to get to know each other and connect as a community. Crestview families host parties throughout the year with 100% of the proceeds from ticket purchases going to Crestview.  

This team of parents treats the Crestview faculty to breakfast or lunch 8 times throughout the school year.

Room Parents
Room Parents support grade teachers and assistants with classroom needs throughout the year, including class parties. They also coordinate and provide gifts for grade teachers and assistants for their birthdays, the winter holidays and end of the school year.

Community Care
The Community Care team coordinates and provides gestures of appreciation for specialist teachers and administrators on their birthdays and during Teacher Appreciation Week. This team also sends support and care to Crestview families in times of celebration, need, or bereavement, on behalf of the Parent Association.

Pizza Day
Parents serve students a pizza lunch every two weeks throughout the school year. 

Library Volunteers
Parents sign up to help Mrs. Bravin in the library during their student’s library class. 

New Family Ambassadors
The go-to team for any new parent who needs help navigating Crestview. This team arranges get-togethers for new families and ensures each new family has a host family to welcome them to the community.

Corporate Partnerships
This committee coordinates our See’s Candies drive, a winter holiday gift card drive, etc. It’s this team that looks for these type corporate sponsorships, enabling a share of purchases made by Crestview families to go to the school. We also partner with Amazon – you can launch this program via the Amazon button at Crestviewprep.org.

This group oversees the sale of Crestview T-shirts and merchandise.

Association Graphics
The graphics committee designs Parent Association graphics as needs arise.